Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How to break up with a friend

This is for anyone who does not know how to break up with a friend, or has ever been dumped by friends.

  1. The Direct Approach

Tell your friend strait up “Hi, you suck and I don’t ever want to see you, or speak to you again.” Probably the most hurtful method and I would question effectiveness. There is probably another method that would be much better received. I have never tried this method, I wanted to with a neighbor, but I think it was just easier to move, to a new state

  1. Avoidance

A)Never call. Be friendly; even invite your friend over sometimes. But never call, ever. Nothing says leave me alone like leaving your friend out of your phone book. I had a friend for about 15 years and I cannot remember him ever calling.

B)Don’t answer the phone. I have known people to just not answer the phone or return phone calls. If you have a spouse or significant other that is not particularly friendly, they may answer the phone, buy you must always be busy.

C)Move, and don’t leave a forwarding address. Changing phone numbers and email addresses also helps. I have gotten rid of a few friends this way.

  1. Annoyance

If you can’t beat them bother them. A friend of mine used to live by these words “If you are not annoyed I am not trying hard enough.” The premise here is if you make someone uncomfortable enough often enough they will eventually stop coming around.

  1. Exclusion

Pick up a hobby or activity that you know the target friend does not enjoy or cannot do. And make sure you are involved in this activity when ever above said friend calls. As an example if you have illiterate friends, always hanging out at the library would be a turn off for sure. Be creative, claustrophobic friends will avoid you if you play cards in caves.

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